Providing innovative, student-centered educational solutions across district boundaries.


Allows students to plan their study time.

Student Centered

Designed with the needs and interests of the learner in mind.


Use tools and skills expected in the real world.

More Options

Choose from over 119 courses (and growing).

Who are we?


The Alaska Digital Academy (AkDA) is the course delivery system the serves Alaska students high quality, standards-based courses with certified teachers. Students who enroll in AkDA courses are expected to complete daily assignments, meet the course calendar expectations and meet continually with their assigned online teachers though face-to-face meetings, online Zoom sessions, email correspondence, or phone consultations.




In the summer of 2014, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District was awarded the "Digital Teaching Initiative Grant" to start the Alaska Digital Academy. The intention of the newly founded Alaska Digital Academy is to deliver high quality interactive distance courses to Alaskan middle and high school students. Together with the school districts from Craig, Annette Island, Klawock, Hydaburg, and Southeast Island the Alaska Digital Academy hopes to offer increased opportunities for our students through an Enriched Virtual instruction model.


This site provides a SCALABLE online portal to high-quality interactive courses for middle and high school students taught by experienced, highly qualified teachers who are proficient in distance technology and who understand alternative forms of education.  It was designed to serve students statewide. Through the Digital Academy students will have access to teachers throughout the school day, after school hours, and when school is not in session. Using Individualized Learning Plans, assessments and the Alaska State Standards educators will customize learning to fit each student.

Click here to view the Digital Teaching Initiative's collaborative presentation at the Alaska Association of School Board's Experienced Board Member Academy.

The Alaska Digital Academy (AKDA) provides an online enrollment portal to high quality interactive courses for middle and high school students.  These courses are taught by highly qualified teachers who are proficient in distance technology and who understand alternative forms of education.  Students will have access to teachers throughout the school day, after school hours, and when school is not in session. Students will regularly demonstrate mastery through performance-based assessments, assessments during the unit or course, and end-of-unit or -course assessments. Educators will use student assessment results to support interventions that increase student success.

Click here to see our original grant application

In the summer of 2014, the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District was awarded the "Digital Teaching Initiative Grant" to start the Alaska Digital Academy.  The intention of the newly founded Alaska Digital Academy is to deliver high quality interactive distance courses to Alaskan middle and high school students. Together with the school districts from Craig, Annette Island, Klawock, Hydaburg, and Southeast Island the Alaska Digital Academy hopes to offer increased opportunities for our students through a Enriched Virtual instruction model.

The Alaska Digital Academy provides access to middle and high school education, creating opportunities for students who have a variety of educational needs including:

  • credits towards high school graduation
  • credits towards the Alaska Performance Scholarship
  • credit recovery
  • grade improvement
  • expanded opportunities in the areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).


Click here to view the Digital Teaching Initiative's collaborative presentation at the Alaska Association of School Board's Experienced Board Member Academy.

Specializing in our work with smaller districts, The Alaska Digital Academy (AKDA) is creating a resource for districts in Alaska to bring students access to:

  • Quality Courses
  • Highly Qualified Teachers
  • Innovation

We are proud to be developing a scalable model, from the ground up, to provide Alaskan students with the knowledge, access, and support to succeed, no matter where one may live.  AKDA is working on innovative approaches to engage students across geographical and district boundaries.  Through an innovative approach that combines digital learning, blended learning, and an emphasis in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) students will not be restricted by the traditional school day or course offerings.